November School Council Minutes

School Council Minutes

November 4 2024


Present: Michele Dehnke, Judy Corbet, Jacqueline Sunday, Laura Desroches, Amanda Crosbie,

Erica LaBrie, Roze Pottage (Vice Principal), Carol Carpenter (Principal), Rhonda Cail


Regrets: Laura Croteau, Naomi Murray


From last minutes: Adding Naomi to be a voting member.


Samples for for new jerseys were on display. Students and Parents will vote on the new colours during Parent Interviews. Will be getting approximately 30 Jerseys.


Principal Update:

  • Santa Claus parade is November 30th. Letter will be sent home on Friday to see who wants to be in the parade – letter to have a tare off section to be returned. Our theme is Story Book Christmas. We will also have a banner wishing Happy Holidays from Huron Park. A further note will be sent home to those participating with direction where to meet.
  • Score clock should be installed within the next 2 weeks.
  • Parent Interviews – link was in the newsletter and also on teachers week at a glance.
  • Lip Sync concert will me December 17th
  • Craft Night will be December 10, 5-7pm
  • Candy Cane sales will be _____ and will sell for 50cents.
  • We have a Music and a Science Club starting up.
  • The Gr 7/8s will be going to the Cenotaph on November 11. An assembly for K-6 will be held in the gym
  • We will be having a surprise Hot Chocolate Day in December.
  • School Spirit Wear – link for Graffiti Arts will sent out. It is a direct link and can be ordered at any time, payment is directly to Graffiti Arts.
  • Harvey Fundraiser made us $765.
  • Kelsey’s Night cheq is not here yet.
  • EWTE – funding information was not done in the spring. Therefore amount we received was way below the usual amount received. We have had personal donations of fruit, veggies, bagels, cream cheese. Our Dominios Raise the $Dough$ night on November 7, monies raised will go towards out snack program.
  • School Trips: The Gr 8 trip will be to Camp Kandalore in May. Cost of the trip is over half the cost from previous years. Classroom trips will be to local venues to keep the cost down for families. Quest Art, Bowling, GBDSS play Gr 4,5, and 7 will have Bd sponsored trips that are paid for (including busing). We will not be participating in Camp Kitchi due to the cost of the trip. We have many families that just can not afford this trip.


    New Business:

  • Spring Concert – will be either May 21 or 28th. Will have an afternoon performance and an evening one. 4 tickets per family. Will be K-8 music, dance performances, poetry.
  • Grade 8 Commencement will be June 25th at 6:00pm
  • Kelsey’s Night – they would like us to have another night as they thought it was quite successful.
  • Raise the $Dough$ on November 7th – monies raised to go towards EWTE.
  • ‘Student Incentives’ was explained – covers little things for students ie prizes for our trivia during announcements.
  • Student Announcers – 2 students from the grade 8 classes will helping out with announcements on a monthly rotation.
  • The Library will be doing the Forest of Reading in both English and French. Scholastic Book Fair monies will be used to replenish books for next year. Dates for the Book Fair will be communicated via Messenger.
  • Camp Kandalore – 4 staff will accompany the students. Payment information and options will be sent home plus will be put on cash online.
  • Phys Ed equipment is purchased as needed from staff suggest. Basketballs were purchased this fall.
  • We receive money from our school photographers which is approximately $200.
  • Winter Activity Day – Gr 8s will run it, Gr 7s will be the leaders. Date to be determined.
  • Big Box of Cards fundraiser will happen in the new year. Funscipt is ‘live’ and payment is directly to the company. Poinsettia fundraiser is from November 1-18. Orders will be printed of and Amanda will co-ordinate with Normans.
  • End of year BBQ – Carol will be looking into APMs to see what inflatables we do have and to check to see if venders are on the approved list.
  • Currently we do not have a Sun Shade for outdoor events like Cross Country. Jacqueline Sunday is looking into one being donated to the school.
  • Leadership for Students: Gr7/8s will be leaders. They help will popcorn/pizza distribution, classroom monitoring, morning announcements, Spring Concert, Intramurals, and Houses.
  • Our Sound System for assemblies etc is on the agenda for purchase in the future – present one is staticky.



Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm. Our next meeting is February 3 at 5:30pm