School Council Minutes

School Council Minutes

September 23 2024


Present: Michele Dehnke, Judy Corbet, Laura Desroches, Erica LaBrie, Amanda Crosbie, Roze Pottage (Vice Principal), Laura Croteau (Teaching Rep), Rhonda Cail (Non-Teaching Rep), and Carol Carpenter (Principal)


Carol welcomed the parents to our meeting which commenced at 6:00pm. Introductions who made with a brief mention as to why they were interested in joining Council.


Carol discussed the changes/additions that have ben made to the school so far:

  • We have class bingos HP trivia – which the students love!
  • Thursdays are popcorn days plus Thursday September 26this Popsicle Day – all students are getting a popsicle!
  • Reorg starts tomorrow, did not affect JK/SK or FI.
  • Soft start is going well. Students come in when they get to school – 9:00am, music is playing. Announcements at 9:15 when bell rings and they ar ready to start their day.
  • Pizza and Subs start next week.
  • Meet The Teacher is September 26th
  • Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball have started
  • We are offering a gr 4-8 Basketball Skills night starting October 9 – coach is from Georgian College’s Woman’s Basketball team.
  • We have a ping pong table in room 138. Donated by school family. Looking for an air hockey/foosball table. Laura found one during meeting!
  • Score Clock has been purchased; school team uniforms will be ordered. Payment for these will be out of ‘restaurant nights’ – Harvey’s and Kelsey’s.
  • Pickleball nets/paddles have been ordered and gym classes will be taught.
  • School clothing will be sold this year – date to be decided. Track pants, sweatshirts, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts in grey, black and green.
  • Bulletin boards were all painted – black for consistency. Office reorganized less clutter and more inviting. Great feedback from parents coming into office.


Field trips: drafts for trips are being drawn up. Would like to do more local trips as the cost of busing is very high. Make use of Quest Art, Makerspace at the Library, GBDSS play in March.

Grade 8’s are in the planning stages of going to Camp Kandalore – Outdoor Education Centre – in May as a year end triCamp Kitchi was brought up by parents to see if our school will be participating this year.




Kristy Kreme donuts in March. Kelsey’s – staff will serve! Office coordinating.

Parent Council is doing Poinsettias (Bradford Greenhouse with pickup at Normans Garden Galleria), Big Box of Cards, Coin Drive, Fun Script.


We will be participating in the Santa Claus Parade this year. We have a flat bed truck from Morden’s Constrution that we will be decorating. More details to follow.


Breakfast Club is going to be cancelled. Each class is going to be getting a snack bin which will be filled daily with healthy snacks. The office will be maintaining this.


Composting Worms! Classes have been coming down to the office and ‘feeding’ them banana peels and apple cores. Students are very excited to see them.


Administration is on top of discipline – setting the tone for a successful start-up and year. Judy commented on how the transition is going smoothly.


In the Spring we will be having a concert – every class will participate. Will occur in the afternoon plus evening. Parents brought up Christmas Craft night – Admin will bring this forward to the next staff meeting.


Voting members of Council are: Michele Dehnke, Judy Corbet, Laura Desroches, Erica LaBrie, and Amanda Crosbie. Ericia LaBrie will be Chair. Rhonda Cail will take minutes.


Meeting dates for this school year: November 4th, February 3, and April 7. Start time will be 5:30pm.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm